Lay Ministries
The Altar Guild
The members of the Altar Guild provide an important ministry to the congregation and clergy as they prepare the Sanctuary for Mass on Sundays. Their duties include setup and cleanup of sacred vessels and vestments for each service, polishing brass and silver Altar appointments, keeping the Sanctuary and Sacristy neat and tidy. It is a wonderful ministry opportunity that supports spiritual growth and friendship through active service to the church. The Altar Guild welcomes new members, both women and men.
Lay Liturgical Ministry
The Acolyte program is open to youth and adults who are trained to assist the clergy and congregation in all areas of the liturgy. Chalice bearers are trained and licensed by the Bishop to assist the clergy with the administration of the chalice at Mass. This ministry is open to adults and older youth. Lectors are trained to read the Lessons at Mass and lead the Prayers of the People. The ministry of Lector, like that of chalice bearer, is open to adults and older youth. Ushers provide a ministry of hospitality to all who enter our church for worship. Ushers greet people as they arrive, assist with seating, collect and present the offering, direct the Congregation during Holy Communion, say goodbye as people leave the church, and make sure the church is neatly tidy before leaving. Training is provided to adults and older youth interested in participating.