Episc opal Links
- The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee
- Diocese of Milwaukee Hospitality Center
- Episcopal Church in America
- Singing Rooster
- The Anglican Communion
- Anglicans Online
- Book of Common Prayer
- Anglican Cycle of Prayer
Chris tian Links
Senio r Res ource
- Senior Advisor - Assisted Living
home-abuse-awareness-support - Nursing Home Abuse Justice
- Nursing Home Abuse Justice was founded to expose the widespread abuse and neglect that occurs in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
- According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 6 adults aged 60 or older suffered some type of abuse in a community setting.
- Our mission is to educate seniors and their loved ones of these horrors so that we can work together to stop the cycle of abuse harming our seniors.
Our H armon y Clu b
- Our Harmony Club
- We care for and about each other by supporting caregivers and those they are caring for
- We are volunteer based and promote and enhance the quality of life for all